Who Wants a Glimpse of the Future?
With all the technological progress that’s been made recently with artificial intelligence, you might be wondering how your organization can use predictive analytics to assess your programs and better serve your clients. I know I’ve used it for less laudable purposes, like creating more attractive computer-generated images of myself for social media or making ChatGPT write my emails when I’m feeling lazy or uninspired. You’re obviously a better person than I am, so here’s some relevant information for you! (I promise that I wrote this with the help of our human data experts, not AI.)Here are some of the questions we hear regularly from human services organizations:
Who might be at risk for becoming homeless again?
Who might be at risk for dropping out of programs?
Who will remain employed after 90 days?
Who will be a good first-time donor?
Who will likely be a recurring donor?
One option for you is to implement Salesforce’s Einstein Prediction Builder. This application comes with one free prediction and can be used for forecasting or prediction. Yes, I said free! Einstein Prediction Builder can be used with assessments, such as the VI-SPDAT, the most commonly used tool for housing risk and prioritization for housing services, or the Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix (ASSM). When you complete these assessments, it gives Einstein a lot of data to work with. An assessment combined with the historical data that case managers enter (like the date someone dropped out of a program) gives Einstein what it needs to predict. We can provide you with more details and suggestions, but you just have to decide, “What do I want to determine?” and “Do I have the data to do so?” You can look at multiple factors, such as whether an individual is a Senior, Disabled, or Homeless to determine whether the person is at risk for not completing a program. On the more positive side, what combination of factors will make them more likely to succeed?
Einstein Options
Einstein Prediction Builder is not your only option. Einstein Next Best Action will surface recommendations on the screen, either based on an Einstein Prediction or logic that's added manually; so, for example, if someone wants to cancel their service, Einstein Prediction Builder can figure out what offer is likely to entice them to stay, and then Einstein Next Best Action displays that offer on the screen to the user.Other products, like Einstein for Sales or Einstein for Service basically use Einstein under the hood and present automatic calculations and forecasts to users, so they're not as customizable, but they're already set up for different industries.Einstein Discovery and CRM contains all of the above, plus Tableau predictions. It's the most comprehensive, and it also features a "find insights" option where instead of you needing to tell the system what to predict (like in Einstein Prediction Builder), it will automatically look for things and then give you the option to adopt them.
We Can Help!
Einstein tools allow organizations to be more proactive in supporting vulnerable individuals and improving your programs and services. Interested? We have a team of data experts at Provisio ready to help you determine what would work best for you. I predict they will be incredibly helpful! Click here to connect with us!