Piecing Together the Affordable Housing Puzzle with Salesforce & Provisio’s Case Management Solutions
According to a recent report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, the situation regarding affordable housing in the US is dire. The report reveals that there is a staggering national shortage of over 7.4 million affordable and available homes for extremely low-income renters, leaving only 37 homes available for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. The COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated the problem, with job losses and economic insecurity making it even more challenging for households to afford housing.
Affordable housing programs have become more critical than ever, but unfortunately, they are facing several challenges with their technology and systems. Housing programs often use funder-mandated systems that cannot be customized to meet their specific needs, leading to more work for staff and a lack of reporting to properly track their constituent status and progress. However, there is hope on the horizon, and Provisio is proud to work closely with many affordable housing programs to provide innovative solutions that increase efficiency and allow for a more streamlined approach to serving those in need.
With Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud and Provisio Partners’ expertise in housing services, housing programs finally have a solution for their unmet needs. NPC can support housing programs by offering a solution that effectively manages the entire client lifecycle from intake to move-out, making sure no one slips through the cracks.
With Salesforce NPC, Housing Programs can:
Give organizations a single source of truth with a centralized database, eliminating your organization’s “out of system” processes like spreadsheets
Streamline intake, eligibility screening, and referrals for faster support
Personalize case plans and client notes to assess client progress from eligibility to post-program success
Track services and classes and report the impact to your funders
Provisio knows that managing affordable housing programs can be like solving a complex puzzle. It can be challenging to navigate different funding sources, requirements, and reporting needs. That’s why Provisio has developed case management extensions to provide a streamlined solution for tracking buildings, units, and income certifications required by federal funding.
Provisio’s Case Management extenders enable housing programs to track the following:
Where their buildings are
Who is paying rent
Who is subsidizing the unit or tenant
Who is in each unit
What are the tenant’s maintenance requests
How residents are improving (financially, educationally) now that they are in stable housing
Through Salesforce’s NPC and our housing expertise, you can eliminate your out-of-process systems and report on their client’s life cycle through their program through one centralized database.