Streamlined Disease Tracking

Provisio Partners with Global Systems Integrator to Streamline State’s Disease Tracking

In the wake of the pandemic, it’s becoming clear that the outdated and inefficient technology systems still being used by public health officials are not equipped for 21st-century disease surveillance. One Midwest state’s public health department was still using software from the 1990s when Provisio partnered with a global systems integrator to transform their technology. Now, this department is equipped with a modern Salesforce system that makes their jobs easier and better serves their constituents.

Data Migration for Simplification

Provisio’s key to boosting this state’s disease surveillance efforts was migrating all their scattered data into one cohesive database using Mulesoft and Snowflake. Once that data was centralized, it could be specialized. For instance, staffers were often wasting time digging through old, irrelevant patient data from years earlier. Now, Provisio’s Salesforce solution automatically flags duplicate records and prevents the creation of new ones, saving valuable time and energy.

Data Integration for Collaboration

To foster greater collaboration with federal health officials, Provisio also helped integrate this system with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now, when this state’s public health department wraps an investigation into a disease case, that information, including patient information, is automatically shared with the CDC. This seamless reporting from state to federal government keeps all stakeholders in the loop without extra work.

Streamlined Tracking & Reporting of Data

This state public health department is now equipped with a handy status bar updating the user on the status of a particular disease investigation and what information was collected at different stages. This helps improve transparency and keeps all users sufficiently in the loop. 

Digitized Sharing of Lab Results

Another barrier of this agency’s legacy system was that testing labs were still submitting lab results through the mail. Salesforce Experience Cloud was implemented to digitize the transfer process of lab results so they can now be sent online. This modernization significantly expedited the process and made the information easier to access.

Empowering Users with Intuitive Governance Functionality

It was also crucial that certain settings could easily be modified by the average user as agency policy evolved. For instance, Provisio added case closure functionality, which prevents a patient’s case record from being closed unless all necessary metrics in the investigation are input. However, if the agency no longer requires a certain metric, the rule could be deleted entirely without actually changing the backend code itself. This intuitive feature empowers even users without technical knowledge to make a technical impact.

By consolidating siloed data and embracing powerful analytics technology with the help of Salesforce, Mulesoft, and Snowflake, this state’s public health department can now better track the spread of disease to protect their constituents.