Protecting Privacy: Safeguarding Data with Salesforce

At Provisio, we understand why protecting your client's data is critical, especially when it comes to domestic violence or healthcare services, and we take privacy and data security very seriously. For example, domestic violence programs need to maintain confidentiality to create a safe environment for survivors who are seeking support without fear of retaliation; another example would be individuals with mental health or substance use issues who need confidential counseling and support services.

Privacy safeguards build trust between clients and service providers. Your clients need to feel their personal information will be kept confidential, allowing them to disclose sensitive details about their experiences or health. These protections also address any potential stigma clients could face for seeking support, mitigating the risk of being identified or unfairly treated.

You need to track data about your clients, but privacy is essential. 

If you are struggling with outdated technology or multiple systems that make it difficult to see the full picture of your clients and report outcomes to stakeholders, you may be considering a CRM. Since privacy is of the utmost concern to your organization, it will be very important for you to select the right technology - and the right technology partner -  to manage data and configure your system. 

Salesforce has several safety measures in place to protect data, including data encryption, access control, physical security, and regular auditing and testing. Salesforce complies with various data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). They have implemented measures to assist customers in meeting their regulatory requirements when using Salesforce's services. For more information, click here

Read customer stories.

Privacy requirements can look different from one organization to another. For example, one Human Services agency Provisio works with does not share contacts among different programs to protect their clients’ identities in case they later become peer counselors. You can read about their solution here.

Another client, Safe & Sound, is a San Francisco-based organization working to prevent child abuse and neglect. They needed their system configured to only allow therapists to view therapy services. Read about their implementation here.  Salesforce can be customized to meet your exact privacy needs, ensuring that you meet the requirements of your funders, regulators and other stakeholders regardless of the specific way you need to lock down data.

Data protection is a shared responsibility between your organization and Salesforce. A Salesforce consultancy like Provisio can help you configure your Salesforce environment and manage access to your data. This way, you can feel confident that your clients’ information is secure, and you can focus on program delivery and serving your mission.

If we can provide you with more information on how Provisio can support you with your data and privacy needs, do not hesitate to contact us.  

BlogMarjorie Justice