Cure Your LIHEAP Administration Headaches
If you administer a Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, you know how difficult it can be to determine who is eligible, collect all the required documentation, and track where participants are in the process. You are an amazing person who wants to support the people who need it most, and you know what? We at Provisio want to make your life easier through a more efficient and streamlined process because you deserve it and so do your clients.
How Can Provisio Help?
If your organization is on the Salesforce platform, or plans to implement Salesforce, Provisio can build out a solution designed specifically for LIHEAP requirements.
Determine eligibility. Because LIHEAP applications have lots of criteria, determining eligibility can be tricky. Provisio has built out calculations to do the work for you and determine who is eligible..
Link the type of heating received by the client to the utility provider. Tracking this information allows you to see how that utility company provides heat for the applicant population..
Track the total amount of your yearly grant funding and how many of those funds have been committed to clients. You can see the total amount of available funds remaining for a specific Energy assistance program. This is important because if you aren’t utilizing the program fully, you could potentially not get as much funding when you apply next year. On the plus side, let’s say you distribute all your funds well before the end of the year. Next year, you can make a case for increasing your annual funds..
Create an online application. We can build an online application where clients can apply and upload required documents. Through the online portal, clients can see exactly where they are in the process, cutting down on the number of phone calls you receive. The portal will also show clients what documents are missing. If the client does not have a computer, you can apply through the portal on their behalf..
Self-service options. Clients can submit inquiries directly through the portal and can view FAQs relevant to each program they’re applying for. You can also provide outside resources assisting them in other areas, like housing..
Customize the application. The application is dynamic and highly customizable, which means you can update it with changing government program offerings and funding requirements. You can easily adjust questions to fit what the government requires you to ask. Even better news? The application is expandable and scalable: you can customize it to be used as an application for other programs within your organization.
What’s Next?
Contact us! We know how difficult LIHEAP can be to administer, especially if you are currently doing it off of spreadsheets. Even if you are using technology, it may not have been created specifically to administer LIHEAP. Provisio has built out this solution for several clients, and can do the same for you! Why not implement a more efficient process with improved tracking and reporting? Both you and your clients will benefit from this innovative solution.