5 Ways to Share Your Organizational Impact as a Nonprofit

As a nonprofit, your communication efforts may target a wide variety of audiences, each with different needs and interests. But, one thing remains consistent across all these interactions: you must clearly communicate your organizational impact.

Whether you are reaching out to clients, donors, volunteers, or community stakeholders, showing the real-world outcomes of your mission is essential. 

Here are the top 5 ways to effectively share your organizational impact stories:

  1. Use Personal Stories: Share stories from the people or communities you’ve helped. Humanizing your organizational impact through real-life testimonials makes it relatable and memorable. Take a look at Water Street Mission and Pacific Clinics, two nonprofit organizations that share powerful personal impact stories on their website.
  2. Leverage Visual Content: As a writer, I don’t particularly love the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” but the reality is that photos and videos can capture attention quickly and leave a strong impression. Remember that an infographic can work too that highlights key statistics, such as number of individuals served. You can use visualization tools, like Salesforce Tableau, that allow you to represent data in eye-catching ways.
  3. Share on Multiple Platforms: Share your organizational impact across relevant channels. Why just put your stories on your website when there are so many other platforms at your disposal? Whether you use social media, emails, or a newsletter, be sure to tailor your message for each platform. Millennials and Gez Zers expect a high level of social engagement.
  4. Incorporate Data and Metrics: Combine your organizational impact storytelling with tangible metrics. As mentioned earlier, you can highlight key figures such as how many people have participated in your programs or the severity of the issue you are trying to address; for example, the number of unhoused people in your community. This will help you build trust with your audience.
  5. Engage Your Audience Personally: Use email segmentation to deliver targeted messages that resonate with different audiences based on their involvement with your organization. Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud Account Engagement allows you to personalize your marketing automation and track behavior.

In our next Tech Trek on October 24th, we will explore the creation of effective client communications with Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. Learn how to develop targeted content and utilize performance analytics to understand client behavior better and improve future interactions.

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